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Your search criteria: Database CDs/DVDs, Title of audio medium %Music%, search type all words present

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Title of audio medium Conductor Article no.
1999 Texas Music Educators Association: Texas A&M University Symphonic Band, CD Rhea, Timothy; et al. image 33001504
1999 WASBE San Luis Obispo, California: The Korean National University of Arts, School of Music Wind Ensemble, CD Suk, Suh Hyun image 33001490
2000 Illinois Music Educators Association: All-State Band and Honors Band, CD Caneva, Thomas E.; et al. image 33001498
2000 Illinois Music Educators Association: Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp Festival Band, CD Begian, Harry image 33001195
2000 Midwest Clinic: VanderCook College of Music Symphonic Band, CD Menghini, Charles T.; et al. image 33001235
2000 New York State School Music Association: All-State Symphonic Band and All-State Wind Ensemble, CD Kopetz, Barry; et al. image 33001374
2000 Texas Music Educators Association: All-State 5A Symphonic Band, All-State 5A Concert Band and All-State 4A Symphoni, CD DeRusha, Stanley; et al. image 33001481
2000 Texas Music Educators Association: Carmina Burana - The United States Air Force Band and Singing Sargents, CD Graham, Lowell E. image 33000146
2000 Texas Music Educators Association: Stephen F. Austin State University Wind Symphony, CD Allen, Fred J.; et al. image 33001293
2000 Texas Music Educators Association: Texas All-State Symphonic Band, Concert Band, AAAA Symphonic Band, CD image 33000194
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