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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores

Your search criteria: Database Sheet music/scores, Series title Concert Band Originals and Transcriptions Series, search type exact phrase

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Title Composer / Author Arranger / Editor Level Duration Article no.
Allt under himmelens fäste (Far Away Star) Op.27, Ha, PrtStm Traditional Swedish Mellemberg, Bjorn 3 2:30 sheet music samplescore sampleimagesound sample 4076200
Bekken (Brooklet aus 'Lyric Pieces') op.62, Ha, PrtStm Grieg, Edvard Brakstad, John 5 2:08 score sampleimagedownload 4100646
Bengalsk Lys (Bengal Lights) Ha; CB, Prtstm Thommessen, Olav Anton 5 13:30 additional textsheet music samplescore sampleimagedownload 3111459
Birth of a new day Ha, PrtStm Brakstad, John 3 10:15 additional textscore sampleimagesound sample 4076179
Bogoroditse Devo Ha, Prtstm Rachmaninoff, Sergei Hennevik, John Philip 3 2:45 additional textsheet music samplescore sampleimagesound sampledownload 4096181
Brass Wings (Trombone Section Feature) Ha, PrtStm Johansson, Jerker 4 3:55 additional textscore sampleimagesound sample 4059508
Brigade Nords Marsj (Vilje til seier) Ha, Prtstm Nordhagen, Stig 2+ 4:20 imagesound sample 4090889
Brigade Nords Marsj (Vilje til seier) Ha, PrtStm;download Nordhagen, Stig 2+ 4:20 imagedownload 4090890
Bruremarsj fra Sørfold (Wedding March from Sørfold) Ha; Cnt, PrtStm Traditional Hannevik, John Philip 4 4:52 additional textsheet music sampleimagedownload 4102790
Celebration for Band Ha, PrtStm Brakstad, John 4+ 9:45 sheet music samplescore sampleimagesound sampledownload 4095658
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