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American Pie - click for larger image
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Title American Pie
Article no. 98078922
Category Orchestra/chamber music
Subcategory Hits, evergreens
Instrumentation AkkO (accordion orchestra)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
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Series title Accordion Series
Year of publication 2000
Composer McLean, Don
Arranger Baars, Robert
Performer Madonna
Difficulty level 3
Duration 3:00
Additional info/contents Der unvergessene Evergreen von Don McLean, von Madonna neu in Szene gesetzt und von Robert Baas für Akkordeonorchester eingerichtet. Das macht sicher auch Ihren Musikern Spaß!

Don McLean's success is probably due to the remarkable song American Pie released in 1971. In 2000 American Pie topped the charts again, this time recorded by Madonna. This up-ternpo dance track created a true revival. In 2000 her version achieved the number 1 status almost everywhere in the world. With this arrangement of American Pie Robert Baas continues the legend!

American Pie est un standard de la musique folk (interprete en 1971 par Don McLean) auquel Madonna a su insuffter une nouvelle energie et un nouveau rythme pour en faire un tube interplanetaire. Un hommage a l'Amerique et aux musiciens qui ont su le mieux la chanter.

Da ormai quasi trenta anni -la prima versione di American Pie e datata 1971 - questa canzone di Don Mc Lean regala agli americani ernozioni e nostalgie: l'autore a sua volta aveva voluto rievocare la musica della propria gioventi:l, con una dedica particolare a Buddy Holly. Nel 2000 questo evergreen sta vivendo un nuovo momento di gloria grazie alla nuova versione incisa da Madonna come colonna sonora dei suo ultimo film c'e qua/cosa di nuovo. Questo superbo arrangiamento per orchestra di fisarmoniche non e da meno dell'originale e detiziera gli esecutori ed il pubblico.

American Pie stamt al uit 1971, maar in 2000 beklom dit nummer nogmaals de hitlijsten in een uitvoering van Madonna. Dit vlotte dansnummer zorgde voor een ware 'revival'. Daarnaast doet ook Don McLean's album American Pie uit 1971 opnieuw zijn intrede in de hitlijsten. Met deze bewerking van American Pie zet Robert Baas de legende voort!
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