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Practicing Music (How the Professionals Do It) - click for larger image
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Title Practicing Music (How the Professionals Do It)
Article no. 97000334
Subcategory Orchestra conducting
Format Bk (book)
Text language English {en}
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Delivery publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Author Lang, Morris; Wilson, Brian Dr.
Additional info/contents Successful professional musicians—instrumentalists and vocalists alike—are always busy. Performing, teaching, family, and professional responsibilities keep them on the go around the clock, yet they still find time to practice so that they can maintain technique, prepare for upcoming performances, and thrive as a musician. In this eye-opening essay collection, these world-renowned artists share their insights on practice, from practical tips you can use today to the intangible lessons of living a musical life:

Paul Austerlitz
Chris Bacas
Stefan Bauer
Evangeline Benedetti
Serena Benedetti
Bruce Bonvissuto
John Bruschini
Norman Carey
Jennifer Choi
Peter Erskine
Lars Frandsen
Gordon Gottlieb
Hill Greene
John Isley
Vic Juris
Aline Kiryayeva
Morris “Arnie” Lang
Deb Lyons
Jacqueline Martelle
Shoko Nagai and Satoshi Takeishi
Andy Narell
Isabelle O’Connell
Richard O’Donnell
Victor Rendón
Sonny Rollins
Jay Rosen
Michael Rosen
Terry Silverlight
Andrew White, III
Brian Willson
Available yes yes

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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