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Trubaci z Prazského hradu/Prague Castle Trumpeters - click for larger image
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Title of audio medium Trubaci z Prazského hradu/Prague Castle Trumpeters  out of print 
Article no. 6011000
Subcategory Wind ensemble (brass/woodwind)
Format CD (audio CD)
Performer Fanfare Orchestra of the Castle Guard
Conductor Sivec, Jiri; Roubal, Vladimir; Svejkovsky, Frantisek
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Label's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Total duration ca. 57:54

No. Track title Composer Arranger Duration
1 St. Vitus's Bells Traditional 0:46
2 Fanfares from the Opera 'Libuse' Smetana, Bedrich Fadrhorns 1:35
3 Flag of the President of the Republic Kocáb, Michael 0:22
4 March of the Castle Guard Belohoubek, Karel 1:40
5 Christ's Flag from the Opera 'Armida' Dvorak, Antonin 2:31
6 Hospodine, pomiluj ny/Old Czech Chorale Anonymus 0:58
7 Intrada Sancti Adalberti Burghauser, Jarmil 1:40
8 March I Fischer, Johann C.F. 1:46
9 March II Fischer, Johann C.F. 1:32
10 Leggiero Dowland, John 1:08
11 Lento Dowland, John 1:12
12 Leggiero Eccard, Johannes 0:47
13 Moderato Praetorius, Michael 1:30
14 Canzon 'La Malvezza' Mortaro, Antonio 3:53
15 Fanfare De la Lande, Michel-Richard Svejkovský 1:54
16 Organ Improvisation on an old Czech Chorale Anonymus 5:08
17 Intrada I Pezelius, Johann Christian 1:45
18 Intrada II Pezelius, Johann Christian 1:30
19 Sarabande Bach, Johann Sebastian 2:06
20 Intrada III Pezelius, Johann Christian 1:00
21 Minuet Bach, Johann Sebastian 1:55
22 Fanfares from Horní Sloupnice: Maestoso, Tempo, Presto, Maestoso Anonymus 5:02
23 Intrada Resurrectionis (Victimae paschali laudes) Burghauser, Jarmil 1:34
24 Intrada in honour of the canonisation of St. Agnes of Bohemia Burghauser, Jarmil 1:29
25 St. Wenceslas Chorale Anonymus 0:37
26 Sonata #5 Störl, Johannes Svejkovský 2:18
27 Fanfare of the Bohemian Estates Svejkovský, Josef 0:57
28 Tune of the Castle Guard Eben, Petr 1:44
29 March of the Castle Guard Eben, Petr 2:31
30 Praga (fragment) Suk, Josef 1874-1935 Dvorak, Vlasta 2:35
31 Intrada Pentecostes (Veni, Sancte Spiritus) Burghauser, Jarmil 1:45
32 St. Vitus's Bells Traditional 0:44

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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