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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation ClrChor
German (de) Klarinettenchor
English (en) clarinet choir
Spanish (es) coro de clarinete
French (fr) ensemble de clarinettes
Italian (it) coro di clarinetti
Dutch (nl) klarinetkoor
Portuguese (pt) coro de clarineta
Definition/synonyms A clarinet choir is an instrumental ensemble consisting entirely of instruments from the clarinet family. Typically it will include Eb, Bb, alto, bass, and contra-alto or contrabass clarinets, although some pieces are scored for a smaller set of instruments.

There is no set number of members to a choir of clarinets. Some professional choirs, have as little as 10 members, others have up to 40.

In practice, in total size it may range from a chamber group of five to eight or so players to a band of forty or more. Such an ensemble of instruments with varied ranges but uniform timbre may be thought of as a woodwind equivalent to the string orchestra.
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