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Sheet music/scoresSheet music/scores
Title Canons for Three Violas
Article no. 4103675
Category Ensembles
Subcategory 3 string instruments
Instrumentation 3Vla (3 violas)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2018
Composer Traditionals
Arranger Greenblatt, Deborah
Additional info/contents Tunes in this collection:

“At Summer Morn”
“At the Close of the Evening”
“Beggar’s Petition, The”
“Bell Doth Toll, The”
“Buon Giorno, Mia Cara”
“Buona Sera”
“Canon in G Minor”
“Canon No. 9”
“Catch on Mr. Jery Clarke’s Old Dog Spott, A”
“Catch Upon Tom Jolly’s Nose, A”
“Come Follow Me Merrily”
“Come Let Us All A-Maying Go”
“Comical Fellows, The”
“Composer’s Instructions, The”
“Do Re Mi Fa”
“Dona Nobis Pacem”
“Down, Down With Bacchus”
“French Cathedrals”
“Frohlich Sein”
“Go to the Path at the Top of the Garden”
“Grasshoppers Three”
“Great Tom is Cast”
“He That Will an Alehouse Keep”
“Hey Ho, To the Greenwood Now”
“Hey, Ho, Nobody Home”
“Hired Man’s Faith in Children, The”
“Hook, The Sky Lark”
“I Pray Thee How Do we Best Sing a Scale”
“Ich Armes Welsches Teufli”
“Joan Come Kiss Me Now”
“John Cooper”
“Kum Bachur Atzel”
“La Chasse”
“Let Simon’s Beard Alone”
“Let Us Rejoice Today”
“Lieve Lente”
“Listen To the Echo”
“Long Life To Our Queen”
“Ma Tovu”
“Mister Speaker”
“No Perfect Woman Lives”
“Noah, Here They Come”
“Now We Are Met”
“Oh How Lovely Is the Evening”
“Oil and Vinegar”
“Poor and Carefree Stranger”
“Quakers Catch”
“Schon Und Lieblich”
“See the Rosy Morn Appearing”
“Sentiment, A”
“Shalom Chaverim”
“Sing Together”
“Some Modern Wives”
“Southerly Wind, A”
“Surly Giles’s Old Cat”
“Tinking Tom”
“To All Lovers of Musick”
“To The Greenwood”
“Tsena, Tsena”
“We Are Warming Up Our Voices”
“Wife!, A”
“Wind, Gentle Evergreen”
“Zing Voor Elkaar”
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