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64 Spirituals a cappella - click for larger image
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64 Spirituals a cappella - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title 64 Spirituals a cappella
Article no. 4091964
Category Choir/Vocals
Subcategory Spiritual, gospel
Instrumentation CoroX (mixed chorus); SATB (choir: soprano, alto, tenor, bass)
Instrumentation/info acap (a cappella)
Format ChoPrt (chorus score); SngBk (song book)
Text language English {en}; German {de}
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2011
Composer Traditional
Arranger Graham, Buckland
Additional info/contents Spirituals und Gospels boomen, Gospelchöre, -workshops und -konzerte sprießen wie Pilze aus dem Boden. Mehrstimmiges Notenmaterial, das nicht zu schwer ist und dennoch gut klingt, ist jedoch rar. Die neue Sammlung bietet eine Fundgrube der schönsten Gospels und Spirituals, auf die jeder Chor gerne zugreifen wird („ Go down Moses“, „Amen“, „Michael row the boat ashore“, „Rock my soul“, „This little light of me“ oder „The Gospel train“). Die Sätze sind charakterlich unterschiedlich gearbeitet, die Melodie wechselt durch die Stimmen. Die Besetzung reicht von schlichter Vierstimmigkeit bis zu klangvoller Zehnstimmigkeit. Die Texte sind in englischer Sprache verfasst.

- Enthält viele bekannte und weniger bekannte Highlights
- Unterschiedliche Klangfarben und Besetzungen
- In englischer Sprache


Old Testament Stories:

Noah and Jacob:
Jacob's ladder (5)
Open the window (5)
Who built the ark (5)
The old ark (5)

Moses and Joshua:
Go down Moses (5)
Wade in the water (5)
If I could (4)
Joshua (5)

Daniel and David:
Daniel (5)
Little David (5)

Jeremiah and Ezekiel:
Gilead (4)
Dry bones (7)
The wheels (5)

New Testament Stories:

Birth of Christ:
Amen (7)
Go tell it (5)

The Crucifixion:
Hammering (5)
Were you there (5)
A mumbalin' word (5)

The first Easter:
Sweet music (5)
Sunday morning (5)

The Last Judgement:
King of kings (5)
When the saints (5)
My Lord (5)

Christian Life:

Motherless child (5)
Nobody knows (5)
Lonesome valley (5)

The repentant sinner:
Hard trials (5)
It's me, O Lord (5)
O sinner man (5)
In the storm (5)
Steal away (5)
Amazing grace (5)
I couldn't hear (6)
Do Lord (5)

Rock of ages:
Rock of ages (5)
God is-a God
The whole world (4)
Rock my soul (5)

Personal commitment:
Good religion (5)
Old time religion (5)
Little light (6)
A shame (4)
Ready (5)
I'm gonna sing (5)
O Lamb (5)

Death and Salvation:

Somebody's knocking (6)
This world (5)
The robber (5)

Entering Heaven:
Bye and bye (5)
Good news (5)
Swing low (5)
Wayfaring stranger (5)

Crossing the Jordan:
Michael row (5)
The riverside (5)
Deep river (5)
Roll Jordan (5)

I got shoes (4)
Golden slippers (5)

O freedom (4)
O happy day (6)
Hallelu, hallelujah (5)
The Gospel train:
The Gospel train (6)
This train (8)

Kum ba yah (5)

ab 10 Exemplare 17,50 €
ab 20 Exemplare 15,95 €
ab 30 Exemplare 14,50 €
ab 40 Exemplare 13,50 €
Sample sheet music Sample sheet music click here
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