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10 Universal Duets - click for larger image
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Title 10 Universal Duets
Article no. 4090853
Category Ensembles
Subcategory Guitars
Instrumentation/info 2Git (2 Gitarren)
Country of publication Canada (ca)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
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Composer Kiselev, Oleg
Additional info/contents This is an unusual and multipurpose volume - Oleg Kiselev presents a selection of ten of the best-known beginner's studies by Carcassi, Carulli, Giuliani and Aguado and adds a melodic part for guitar one above each in a higher position, which sings out effectively above the texture of the accompanying study. Waltz by
Carulli employs some harmony in the upper part, and the C major arpeggio Study by Giuliani accompanies a melody played in octaves throughout. The upper part to Aguado's A minor study adds a simple bass line on the open strings the first time through, then switches to a melodic line in the bass on the repeat. The following section takes the melody in thirds and its repeat sees a tremolo accompaniment in octaves. Careful articulation of repeated notes is required in the upper part to Carulli's Etude (A major) and the closing Waltz by Carcassi is more complex, with a single line phrase followed by harmonic passages and the melody doubled at the octave. Highly effective and enjoyable to explore throughout, this versatile material is particularly useful for developing familiarity with higher notes.
Linda Kelsall-Barnett (Classical Guitar Magazine)
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