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Erstes Duospiel / First Duet Album - click for larger image
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Erstes Duospiel / First Duet Album - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Erstes Duospiel / First Duet Album
Article no. 4026173
Category Ensembles
Subcategory Violins
Instrumentation/info 2Vln (2 violins)
Country of publication Austria (at)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN-10 * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2007
Composer Purcell, Henry; Hotteterre, Jacques Martin; Fux; Cimarosa, Domenico; u.a.
Arranger Erhart-Schwertmann, Ursula
Difficulty level 1
Additional info/contents Kleine Stücke alter Meister für 2 Violinen 1. Lage.
Little pieces of old masters, arranged for 2 violins 1st position

1. Purcell: Air (AU 3)
2. Hotteterre: Menuet
3. Hotteterre: Menuet
4. Fux: Fuge
5. Marchand: Branle Suisse
6. Purcell: The Queen's Dolour (Z.670)
7. Hotteterre: Petit Air Tendre
8. Anonymus: Giga
9. Couperin: Les Jongleurs, Sauteurs et Saltinbanques
10. Anonymus: Sarabande
11. Speer: Aria
12. Purcell: Hornpipe (Z.T683)
13. Purcell: Almond (Z.D219/1)
14. Speer: Choral-Gesang
15. Telemann: Gigue à l'Angloise
16. Krieger: Bourrée
17. Lanner: Ländler
18. Telelmann: Allegro
19. Marchand: Tambourin Basque
20. Tschaikovsky: Alrfranzösisches Öied op.36/16
21. Bach, JS.: Menuett, BWV Anh.114
22. Bach, CPE: Fischerlied
23. Scarlatti: Minuetto, K.42
24. Graupner: Gavotte
25. Haydn: Vergebliches Glück, Kanon
26. Cimarosa: Sonata
27. Gounod: Les Pifferari
28. Mozart, WA.: Andante, kv.487/10
29. Corrette: Faste Milannoise aus op.12
30. Paganelli: Grazioso
31. Schumann: Haschemann, op.68/Abh.
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