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Title of audio medium Vinci
Article no. 33009297
Subcategory (not yet assigned)
Format CD (audio CD)
Performer Philharmonic Wind Orchestra
Conductor Reift, Marc
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Label's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Brief description 1 - Hollywood Fanfare - MOREN, Bertrand - 3'17
2 - Heroes & Warriors (Helden und Krieger) - NEWTON, Rodney - 5'55
3 - Da Vinci Code - NAULAIS, Jérôme - 10'58
4 - La Péri - DUKAS, Paul - 2'24
5 - Concertino (Clarinet Solo) - GRGIN, Ante - 10'41
6 - Lost Dream - NAULAIS, Jérôme - 2'09
7 - Knights Of The Round Table - RICHARDS, Scott - 5'28
8 - Saltatio Diabolica (Trumpet or Cornet Solo) - DEBONS, Eddy - 8'16
9 - The Crusades (Les Croisades / Die Kreuzzüge) - DEBS, Erick - 7'16
10 - Spirit of Victory - NAULAIS, Jérôme - 3'35
Total duration ca. 59:59
Available yes yes
External download link * External download linkFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here

No. Track title Composer Duration
1 Hollywood Fanfare Moren, Bertrand 3:17
2 Heroes And Warriors (Helden und Krieger) Newton, Rodney 5:55
3 Da Vinci Code Naulais, Jerome 10:58
4 La Péri Dukas, Paul 2:24
5 Concertino (Clarinet Solo) Grgin, Ante 10:41
6 Lost Dream Naulais, Jerome 2:09
7 Knights Of The Round Table Richards, Scott 5:28
8 Saltatio Diabolica (Trumpet or Cornet Solo) Debons, Eddy 8:16
9 The Crusades (Les Croisades / Die Kreuzzüge) Debs, Erick 7:16
10 Spirit Of Victory Naulais, Jerome 3:35

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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