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Sing to the Lord - click for larger image
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Title of audio medium Sing to the Lord
Article no. 33001430
Subcategory Choir/vocal
Format CD (audio CD)
Performer Mansfield University Concert Choir
Conductor Dettwiler, Peggy; Lawrence, Vincent; Perkins, Kelly; Kujawinski, Hingrid
Label * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Label's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2010
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Total duration ca. 1:02:13
Available yes yes

No. Track title Composer Lyricist Arranger Duration
1 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Part 1) Bach, Johann Sebastian 4:56
2 Virga Jesse floruit Bruckner, Anton 3:44
3 A Spotless Rose Howells, Herbert 3:23
4 hope, faith, life, love Whitacre, Eric 3:53
5 Past Life Melodies Hopkins, Sarah 5:56
6 Flower of Beauty Clements, John Bell, Sydney 2:52
7 I Can Tell the World Hogan, Moses 2:58
8 Cantate Domino Jothen, Michael 1:56
9 When David Heard That His Son Was Slain Chorbajian, John 4:10
10 In Windsor Forest: I. The Conspiracy Vaughan Williams, Ralph 2:07
11 In Windsor Forest: II. Drinking Song Vaughan Williams, Ralph 3:29
12 In Windsor Forest: IV. Wedding Chorus Vaughan Williams, Ralph 4:37
13 Shenandoah Traditional American Erg, James 3:41
14 Rainsong Bright, Houston 2:48
15 Over The Rainbow Arlen, Harold Kendall, Ben 3:45
16 Missa Brevis: Kyrie Kodály, Zoltán 2:18
17 Missa Brevis: Credo (The Nicene Creed) Kodály, Zoltán 5:40

* Fields with a star are only visible for club members after registration.

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