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Klarinettenquintett B-Dur (Clarinet Quintet) - click for larger image
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Klarinettenquintett B-Dur (Clarinet Quintet) - Sample sheet music
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Title Klarinettenquintett B-Dur (Clarinet Quintet)
Article no. 3185292
Category Educational and/or solo works
Subcategory Clarinet with accompaniment
Instrumentation/info Clr (Bb clarinet); Pno (piano)
Country of publication Germany (de)
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Composer Weber, Carl Maria von
Editor Leisinger, Ulrich
Opus no. Op.34
Additional info/contents The piano version of the B flat major quintet op. 34, which goes back to Carl Maria von Weber, is likely to cause some surprise even in the clarinet world. To this day, little is known that the composer himself arranged his work for clarinet and piano very soon after he learned of the success of the original instrumentation. Weber, himself an accomplished pianist, managed to transfer the string quartet sound to the piano effortlessly and extremely idiomatically. In Weber's own version for clarinet and piano, the quintet proves to be equally suitable for concert performance as well as for rehearsing the original chamber music instrumentation. Ulrich Leisinger's studies of sources led to the reassuring conclusion that Weber himself accompanied the publication of the first edition (1816) with the necessary care. Deviations from the quintet version (EB 5830) are noted in the new edition.
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