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Bist du bei mir - click for larger image
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Bist du bei mir - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Bist du bei mir
Article no. 3100791
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Church music
Instrumentation Fa (fanfare band)
Format DirStm (Condensed Score and parts)
Country of publication Netherlands (nl)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Arrangement Classic Series
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Composer Bach, Johann Sebastian
Arranger Hautvast, Willy
Opus no. BWV.508
Difficulty level 3
Duration 4:36
Additional info/contents The song "Bist du bei mir, geh' ich mit Freuden zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh'" was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach for his second wife Anna Magdalena (1701-1760), who he married in 1721. He used the following text by an anonymous poet:

Bist du bei mir, geh' ich mit Freuden
zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh'.
Ach, wie vergnügt wär' so mein Ende,
es drückten deine lieben schönen Hände
mir die getreuen Augen zu!

The unparalleled popularity of this song is propably due to the magnificient, sensitive melody that wonderfully fits the text, in which a loved one is told that even death is beautiful "as long as you are there with me". Willy Hautvast has written this beautiful arrangement for concert band, which is suitable for many occasions.

1 Condensed Score -

2 Soprano Saxophone - 2 Alto Saxophone I - 2 Alto Saxophone II - 1 Tenor Saxophone - 1 Baritone Saxophone -

1 Flugelhorn Eb - 4 Flugelhorn I - 4 Flugelhorn II - 4 Flugelhorn III - 3 Trumpet I - 3 Trumpet II - 3 Trumpet III - 2 Horn I + III F/Eb - 2 Horn II + IV F/Eb - 2 Trombone I C - 1 Trombone I Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Trombone II C - 1 Trombone II Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Trombone III C - 1 Trombone III Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Baritone C - 2 Baritone Bb (BC) - 4 Baritone Bb (TC) - 2 Bas Bb (BC/TC) - 2 Bas Eb (BC/TC) - 4 Tuba C

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Bist du bei mir - click here Bist du bei mir (fanfare band), Condensed Score and parts
Bist du bei mir - click here Bist du bei mir (fanfare band), condensed score

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