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Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi - Sample sheet music
Sample sheet music
Title Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
Article no. 3078578
Category Choir/Vocals
Subcategory (work not yet assigned)
Instrumentation Solo B; CoroSATB (chorus SATB); 2Vln (2 violins); BC (basso continuo)
Instrumentation/info kartoniert
Format Prt (full score)
Text language Latin {la}; German {de}
Country of publication Germany (de)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
ISMN-10 * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Year of publication 2002
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Composer Zechner, Johann Georg
Arranger Horn, Paul
Editor Riedel, Leonhard
Difficulty level 2
Duration 10:00
Additional info/contents In dieser weihnachtlichen Pastoralmusik des österreichischen Kirchenkomponisten Zechner nach einem Text unbekannter Herkunft schildert ein alter Hirte die Verkündigung der Geburt Christi. Die Hirten eilen nach Bethlehem, wo sie das Kind in der Krippe mit schlichtem strophischem Gesang anbeten. Dazu ertönt der Lobgesang der Engel in der gregorianischen Intonation „Gloria in excelsis Deo“. Ein kurzes, leicht ausführbares Werk, bestens geeignet als Evangelien- oder Offertoriumsmusik im Weihnachtsgottesdienst.
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Available yes yes
Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (Solo B; chorus SATB; 2 violins; basso continuo), full score
Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (Solo B; chorus SATB; 2 violins; basso continuo), chorus score
Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, 1st violin
Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, 2nd violin
Cantilena de Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, cello; double bass

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