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Mt. Healthy March - click for larger image
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Title Mt. Healthy March
Article no. 3033668
Category Concert/wind/brass band
Subcategory Concert march
Instrumentation Ha (concert/wind band)
Format PrtStm (full score and parts)
Country of publication USA (us)
Publisher * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Publisher's article no. * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclick here
Series title Heritage of the March Series
Year of publication 2007
Composer Fillmore, Henry
Arranger Shaffer, David
Difficulty level 3
Duration 2:08
Additional info/contents Dieser lange Zeit verlorene Marsch wurde aufgrund einer Wette geschrieben – Fillmore versuchte, seinem Komponistenkollegen John Klohr zu beweisen, dass Musik wegen ihrer Qualität verkauft wird und nicht etwa wegen des Bekanntheitsgrades ihres Komponisten. Um seine Herkunft zu verschleiern, schrieb Fillmore den Marsch unter dem fiktiven Namen 'Gus Beans'. Der Titel 'Mt. Healthy' wurde zufällig aus einer Liste von Vororten der Stadt Cincinnati in Ohio ausgewählt. Das ist ein echter Henry Fillmore in Hochform.

This long-lost Fillmore march was written as a bet with fellow composer John Klohr in an attempt to prove that music sold because of its merit rather than because of the composer's popularity. To camouflage its origins, Fillmore wrote the march under the fictitious name, 'Gus Beans” and called it Mt. Healthy by selecting the title at random from a list of Cincinnati, Ohio, suburbs. An exceptional march for mid-level bands, Mt. Healthy is pure Henry Fillmore at his very best.
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Available yes yes
Mt. Healthy March - click here Mt. Healthy March (concert/wind band), full score and parts
Mt. Healthy - click here Mt. Healthy (concert/wind band), full score
Golden Age of the March #4 - click here Golden Age of the March #4, audio CD
Sun Dancing - click here Sun Dancing, audio CD

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