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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation BTr
German (de) Schellenstab; Glockenstab
English (en) sleigh bell; bell tree
Spanish (es) Cascabel
French (fr) grelots
Italian (it) bastone
Dutch (nl) slee bellen; bellenboom
Portuguese (pt) Guizo
Definition/synonyms A jingle bell or sleigh bell is a type of bell which produces a distinctive 'jingle' sound, especially in large numbers. They find use in many areas as a percussion instrument, including the classic sleigh bell sound and morris dancing. They are typically used as a cheaper alternative to small 'classic' bells. The simplest jingle bells are produced from a single piece of sheet metal bent into a roughly spherical shape to contain a small ball bearing or short piece of metal rod. This method of production results in the classic two- or four-leaved shape. Two halves may also be crimped together, resulting in a ridge around the middle. A glass marble may also be used as the ringer on larger bells.
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