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Abbreviations/music lexiconAbbreviations/music lexicon
Abbreviation Prtcel
German (de) Particell/Direktionsstimme
English (en) condensed score
Spanish (es) particella
French (fr) particella
Hungarian (hu) particella
Italian (it) particella
Dutch (nl) particell
Definition/synonyms compressed score; close score; short score; particell

A short score is a reduction of a work for many instruments to just a few staves. Rather than composing directly in full score, many composers work out some type of short score while they are composing and later expand the complete orchestration. (An opera, for instance, may be written first in a short score, then in full score, then reduced to a vocal score for rehearsal.) Short scores are often not published; they may be more common for some performance venues (e.g. band) than in others.
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